High Output Grinder

Adjustable Depth of Cut

“Anti-walking” System (Pipe Will Not Walk While Grinding)

High Speed Removal of Hardbanding (5 joints per hour)

Portable With Leveling Control (Will Fit in a Standard ¾ Ton Pickup)

Microprocessor Controlled Guide System for Precise Operator Control

Key features:

Able to Grind Tubular With ODs Ranging From 2"-12"

Fast Tilting for Grinding on an 18º Taper With No Equipment Changes

Corrects and Removes Eccentrically Worn Hardbanding

Removes Hardbanding at a Rate of 5 Joints Per Hour

The Arnco grinder is the industry’s fastest means of hardbanding removal with a highly compact and mobile design, fitting in a standard ¾-ton pickup, allowing owners the flexibility required for setup on location or in the pipeyard. Its innovative design is highly intuitive, significantly decreasing the time associated with the removal of hardbanding.
Our proprietary suspension system solves the problem of consistent removal on eccentrically worn or bent pipe. The grinder also has a microprocessor controlled guide system, allowing for precise operator control to remove eccentrically worn hardbanding. It can even grind on an 18º taper without any equipment changes, saving your crew’s valuable time.
With an easy-to-use control panel and an integrated anti-walking system, the grinder gives operators consistent and precise depths of cut, drastically reducing the potential for overcutting. Our patented suspension system even accounts for uneven wear and bent pipe, making the grinder a highly versatile machine for the removal of all hardbanding. As the industry’s fastest means of hardband removal, Arnco’s grinder will save you money by allowing your crew to operate at peak efficiency.
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